Why is the legendary Bell UH-1 Iroquois / HU-1 "Huey" Helicopter is the most successful rotorcraft in aviation history, to find out what why please read / view this research Power Point slide presentation by George Haloulakos, CFA. He answers the following questions and more:
> What is the origin of the helicopter's nickname Huey?
> What are the characteristics that make the Huey the DC-3 of the helicopter world?
> What is the formula behind the Huey being the major financial driver at Bell for 30+ yrs?
> How many of these amazing rotor-craft were manufactured?

For more information of if you have any questions please contact:
George A. Haloulakos, MBA, CFA [DBA Spartan Research] Cell # 425-241-5016 Visit me at: http://www.skytypers.com/highflight.htm 1st Place - Excellence in Journalism 2014-15 (San Diego Press Club) View my LinkedIn profile at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rev-protodn-george-haloulakos-cfa-bab6b43 CALL TO GLORY (ISBN 9780692475454) 📷
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