Transmission Notes
As a reminder, take note that inside your main transmission, things are going round and round, such as your planetary and sun gears, just...

Skid Shoe Inspection
One of the forgotten inspections is skid shoe’s. Many aircraft are landed on carts or ground handled in and out of hangers without...

Using the TM 55-1520-210-23P manuals
To assist those who were not in the military and taught how to read the TM manuals for UH-1 Maintenance.

UH-1 Tailboom Motion Detection System
On September 16, 2013, about 1535 Pacific daylight time, a Garlick UH-1B, N204UH, experienced a tailboom separation while logging in...

Main Rotor Retaining Nut Lock
Original Post 8/27/2018 I was contacted by a mechanic who in the process of removing a main rotor hub assembly after removing the main...

Aviation Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) for UH-1 Industry
Huntsville, Alabama - We are pleased to introduce RMCI, Inc. and their advanced Health and Usage Monitoring Systems, or HUMS. The...

UH-1 Main Rotor Re-torque
This has been brought up before about a re-torque after main rotor installation. In this case the TM 55-1520-210-23-1 is not a help....

LubriBor- Fuel Lubricity Additive
NOTE FROM UH1OPS While we usually stick to maintenance articles on UH1OPS MAINTENANCE BLOGs, we support this product and after seeing the...

Dealing with Corrosion in Control Tubes/Rods
Halloween Update! Dealing with spookiest part of aging Helicopters, Corrosion! This update focuses on the importance of inspecting the...

TT Straps Time Life
We received a question this week in regards to time life on TT Straps retirement life. When I looked at our old component sheets, we...