UH-1 Fuel and Oil Lines
"Here are some photos of the transmission oil line on the left side of the transmission. The line has always gone around the back of the...
Engine Mounts
The aft mounts for the engine P/N 204-060-102-11 bolted to the tops of the right hand ( bipod ) and left hand ( tripod ) mounts. Note...
42 Degree and 90 Degree Sight Glasses
I have seen many 42 deg. and 90 deg. gearbox sight glasses that get stained and the oil very dark. Many times this shows up after a...
Connecting Links Inspection
Back in late 1976 the military came out with TB 55-1500-219-20-6 to inspect the connecting links P/N’s 204-076-267-1 & 3 & 5 ( the parts...
Droop Cam Shear Pin
The droop cam shear pin was put into the collective, droop cam, N2 governor linkage to separate the collective from the rest of the...
High Frequency Vibe in Pedals
Several years ago on another contract, we had a 212 that had come in after a day of flying with a logbook entry of “HIGH FREQ VIBRATION...
Swashplate Trunnion Bolts
When installing trunnion’s in any of the five positions on the swashplate be sure to install the inner retaining bolt first. The one on...
Tail Rotor Lube
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UH-1 Main Rotor System Question
Alright for those with eagle eyes, what is wrong with this Main Rotor System?